Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Torino Mirror - keeping it stable

The great feature of the Torino mirror is the adjustable horizontal arm. The arm can be manouvred to almost any position due to a clever sleave that works like a universal joint. It's important however, to keep the wing nut strongly tightened otherwise you might find that arm slowly bending back in the wind.
The trick is to add a little grease to the wing nut. This will make it easy to get that extra turn.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Enzo Magnetic Mirror

Plastic blade into the window cavity:

Some late model vehicles have a very tight seal in the window/door cavity. The Enzo's plastic blade is ideally shaped to to lodge into the cavity without doing any damage to the window. Some users report that the blade lifts when the window is wound up after being wound all the way down.

The answer is to keep the mirror arm horizontal, or close to. The blade is angled in a way that turns in to avoid the window. If you need more of angle you could insert a wedge into the top of the blade joint.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Melbourne Caravan show & Prado mirror

Last week we took a trip down to Melbourne to check out the show. We made some time to call in on some of our valued dealers, which also gave us an opportunity to see some of the Victorian countryside.

Toyota Prado - Feedback from our dealers on fitting the Ora mirrors clamp to the Prado

The latest model Prado has a tappered and very smooth mirror. Special care is need to ensure a snug fit. A few suggestions (try one, not all, to see which works better);

  1. Position the clamp well to the inside of centre of the Prado mirror.

  2. If you clip it onto the bottom of the mirror first, the straps will wrap around the outside of the mirror alot better. Then it's a matter of hooking the top of the clamp and tightening the lobe knob.

  3. I've tried attaching a 3mm rubber pad (we can supply but you can cut out your own from rubber material available from Clarke rubber) cut to the shape of the triangle mount. This pad fits between the car's mirror and the Ora triangle mount. Carefull to remove and clean regulary as I'd hate to see it mark the mirror.